Monday, September 12, 2011

*Chapter 5* - "He Made It!"

We did learn how to adapt and change our family’s day to day activities. We did learn to have a new view on life and where we were, that if we had just stayed so sad from our circumstances or our sorrow that we would have missed out on so many wonderful moments and personally witnessed the many little miracles we were blessed with.

In the spring of 2003 we thought our world was collapsing again, it surprises me how many times you think you have hit rock bottom and yet when you get to the bottom you can get hit again until eventually you find yourself in a dark tunnel with blackness on both sides of you and your not sure which way to go or even if there is a way out. The task is daunting and it takes so much strength that you don’t think you have enough drive left either emotionally and physically to pull yourself up. Somehow I had to start by just taking tiny steps with enough faith to try and make it back to the light. This is where we found ourselves in March. The only way out of this dark tunnel when you are unable to see any light at either end is the gospel of Jesus Christ. We had a loving ward family with leadership that were always there to help even when there was nothing that anybody could do. We had many visits from a loving Bishop and High Councilman that were in tune with the Spirit and knew what we needed before we even knew ourselves. On one of these nights we had just been counseled to pray, attend the temple, keep having faith, increase our scripture study, fasting, and to recognize the blessings from our Heavenly Father. To remember our spirits are eternal and to keep a journal of our experiences. Although we have known all of these things all of our lives sometimes you need to hear it again and again, when life is the busiest and you are truly physically and emotionally exhausted and every ounce of strength you have you have put into the demands that have been placed upon your shoulders. I know and testify that you will have added strength and your burdens will be made lighter if you do these things and keep His commandments.

It was in this spirit that our Stake Presidency was called in to help our family on March 30, 2003 we met with 3 incredible men. They were updated on the severity of the situation regarding Jake and our family for over an hour and a half we talked about doing all we could. We loved our son more than life itself and we did not want to loose him! What were we missing in our lives, did we not have enough faith, was Jake suffering because of our shortcomings? What did we lack and why could we not have this miracle? There answer was simple to use the power of the Priesthood and have the humility and strength that whatever the will of the Lord was to follow it. We were each given very powerful blessing that came down to this: Joel be the spiritual leader of the home, keep doing all of the above mentioned items. That the Lord is involved in all of our lives and Joel was chosen to be in this situation with Jake. Jacque you need to have peace allow the Lord to comfort you and know that you are suppose to be Jake's mom, have confidence in knowing the decisions you have to make for Jake and feel peace in accepting Heavenly Fathers will. Do whatever it takes to know the will of the Lord and then just do it! Jake was blessed that he would be well in mind, intellect, body, his organs, but above all Gods will be done. Remember, remember we are to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ better and make them apart of our lives! After our blessings we asked why not us? Why can’t we ask for our own miracle for our son? Our Stake President agreed and recommended to hold a stake wide fast for Jake on Easter Sunday that he might be healed but above all God’s will be done. This is the letter that went out to each ward to announce the fast:

April 13, 2003
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the South Mountain Stake,
In a recent visit to the LeRoy family’s home in the 14th Ward, I felt strongly that it would be very appropriate to combine the Faith and Prayers of the good people of this Stake in behalf of the LeRoy family and their infant son Jake who is very ill. I would like to request a special Stake-wide fast to be held during the period of April 19th or April 20th.
I would suggest that we pray that the holy comforter would rest heavily upon their household and particularly, bring peace unto these wonderful parents and their little child. I would also pray that the burdens of ill health would be lifted from this infant boy.
Brothers and Sisters, there is tremendous power in uniting in fasting and prayer. I am grateful for your willingness to sacrifice for the aid of others, and bear testimony that through your righteousness and diligence, the LeRoy family will not only be comforted and blessed but the Spirit of the Lord will touch all of our hearts for good.
President Rodolfo C. Franco
South Mountain Stake

I want to share an entry from my journal on April 11, 2003: Well much has happened since March 30. Joel and I have been reading our scriptures and books on faith, we have been praying every night together and great things have happened to us. Our faith and hope have increased. I feel closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ than ever before. We feel we are putting all we have into this. It seems harder to have total unconditional faith that Jake can be totally healed than just to say this is Gods will for him. We hope for this miracle only on Gods terms. Last night when we were getting Jake ready for his bath he lifted both legs about 1 inch off his table and had movement in the water in his bath. Jake has been happy and smiling and laughing I think his vision is doing a little better also. All of these things could be signs of great things to come. Last night I asked Heavenly Father if these were signs and I had the biggest burning I have felt for a long time. Right now we are on our way to Ogden for an eye conference to help Jake. The whole family is involved and doing better.

April 19, 2003: We are driving home from our spring break weekend with family and friends. The kids had a great time swimming and going out to dinner playing with other kids- it was a great break. Jake was great!!! He has been kicking, lifting his arms, giggling. He has been so fun and cute, he wore his new hat and sunglasses. The whole family had fun we smiled and laughed it was great medicine for everyone. At night Joel and I continued reading Lectures of Faith by Joseph Smith and our scriptures. We left early to get home and prepare for our fast and prayers early. We are so hopeful that great things are going to happen tomorrow. The scriptures tell us so. We are preparing for the biggest most important day tomorrow –all is GREAT!!!

April 27, 2003: Last Sunday was the most incredible day. We had the Stake wide fast with so many members fasting and praying for our family and Jake. We met at our church as a family Joel instructed Bishop Free to give an opening prayer followed by testimonies given by the Bishop, Joel, Jacque, Janie, Clayne, BettlyLou, Blaine and Pres. Franco. At this time the spirit was so strong in the room there were many tears Joel asked Jacque to give a prayer we did so on bended knee then Clayne anointed Jake and Joel gave a wonderful blessing which he felt from the Lord that Jake would be healed- and he would be OK! We finished with such happiness and joy a true miracle had taken place. We all asked Heavenly Father with faith and he answered. Janessa and Monique were so touched they had both fasted for 24 hours and just sobbed through the entire meeting. They were touched with the spirit just as we were and felt the burning. Within 2 days we immediately saw improvements Jake was able to move his legs more and move his arms and hold his head a little. He was able to locate an object and that very evening he was able to drink 2 oz from his bottle. We all just sat and sobbed. What a huge miracle everything worked we asked the Lord with all the faith we could muster (muster seed) and he answered. We are so thankful to our Heavenly Father who answers prayers. He promised he would heal Jake and we know he will! It is going to take continued faith on our side and much patience. Our whole outlooks have changed. Instead of wondering everyday if this is the Jake is going we now wake up excited to see what new things Jake will be able to do that day. They shared these thoughts today in Stake Conference we wanted everyone to know that miracles really still exist and that fasting and prayers are heard by our Heavenly Father. We want to give thanks for the many people who have prayed and fasted on our behalf and still continue too do so. We had many gifts dropped off at our home. How do we ever repay what we have been given? We just visited our grandparents Bingham’s and Poulsen's, oh how we love them they were so thankful to be able to see Jake, it was so touching. We have been so blessed with a wonderful family all the kids had a great time at the farm!

There is no question that our entire family was “comforted” and that “ill health” was getting better for not only Jake but for all of us. We had all been privileged to take part and witness personally that miracles are still on the earth today and by the power of the Priesthood our Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers!

In this spirit we prepared for the biggest event of the year Jake’s 1st Birthday! May 9, 2003 a day that has been hoped for but many times not sure if it would ever come. But it did come and what a great day it was! For Jake’s 1st birthday we decided to make it a sensory party for the entire family and to have everyone experience first hand what Jake’s days are like. We started by not having your sense of sight- to experience this everyone was blindfolded and had to go through an obstacle course having to feel your way through. Next, still being blindfolded we tried our sense of taste- having to taste food and guess what it was the fun was watching the face expressions to see if it was liked or not. Every day we try to help Jake learn to swallow and try to develop his coordination of swallowing by trying new foods and every day he allows us to give him new tastes and tries so hard to swallow. Still blindfolded we tried our sense of smell; everyone had to guess a smell some where yummy some were not. For our sense of touch- everyone did a great job by making “touching books” to give to Jake. They were so colorful and fun everyone did a great job, for months Jake enjoyed having us help him by touching all of the shapes and textures that were in each book. The sense of hearing and movement- are Jake's best senses he loves hearing music and loves being moved around feeling the motion of rocking and swaying.
Once again Jake gave us all the better gift by teaching all of us how grateful we are for our senses and the miracle of having a body that can see, taste, smell, touch, hear and move all of the things Jake cannot do for himself. He taught us of a loving Heavenly Father that wants us to find joy in the entire world around us, he prepared every detail for us to enjoy as we are away from him during this time. We finished up by opening wonderful gifts that had so thoughtfully been given to Jake. Everyone, even Jake, enjoyed the angel cake made by grandma which is symbolic of the angel we have been blessed with to be here with us each and every day. Here is the perfect ending to a perfect day!! Happy 1st Birthday Jake WE LOVE YOU!!!

All for one and one for all
My Brother and My Friend
What fun we have
The time we share
Brothers till the end.
Jake 1 year old!

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